08 September 2019

Work: Aggravatingly Rewarding

As annoying and aggravating as today went at work, and by that I mean that I didn't get much of my workload relating to my position as department lead accomplished, today was also a day that reminded me of how rewarding working in retail can be.

While helping out at customer service I took a phone call from a woman who wanted help shopping when she came in to the store. In the course of the conversation, she relayed that she is blind and since she had now heard my voice and I was so pleasant with big energy, she wanted me specifically.

Later, I took a phone call from a man asking about coffee grinders. While we carry a small selection, I flat out told him that I highly recommend a specific one because I personally own it and the other one feels cheap and flimsy.

Even later, the customer needing help with color due to her sight came in and when I was called on the walkie, I asked for someone to cover my calls and whatnot while I assisted my customer downstairs. So many people shy away from the bold warm colors available in fall, but between her, her husband, and I, along with an outside opinion of a passing customer, we picked out a gorgeous burnt umber super soft hooded sweater and a deep, dark, rich coral chenille sweater that looked fantastic with her skin tone and the natural red highlights in her hair. We discussed hanging or folding, how to wash them, the whole shebang. We're even Facebook friends now.

Still later, right as I was getting ready to turn in my equipment and clock out, a man came up and asked about coffee grinders. Immediately I grinned and told him we spoke on the phone earlier. I went with him to locate the item and we found that there were none on the shelf and none in the store. But painlessly, I helped him order one through the kiosk to be delivered to his home. Which incidentally, isn't really close to one of our stores. Another trip I would not cost him if I could help it. He and his wife were quite happy.

And yes, I stayed after my shift in order to help the customer. I've stayed later to help a customer find an item all the way in Kentucky just so her lake house would have the matching curtains she wanted. I will help a customer as often as possible from start to finish.

I will never steer a customer into something they will not be happy with just to get the sale. I have no problem sending a customer to another store or another company to find what they are looking for, for the absolute best bottom deal. You want to know why? Because they will remember that I wasn't just looking for the almighty buck, the almighty sale. They will remember how honest I was with them and they'll come back to me.

This is why I stay in retail. I'm good at it and I enjoy helping people. But it's also why I want out of retail. I'm naturally an introvert and while I am genuinely happy to help others, I'd much rather keep to myself and my books. Me and my books don't have the opportunity to hurt me. Manic depression and high anxiety that gets worse by the year and retail don't always mix well.

But today... Today was a good day and reminded me of why I stick around in retail.

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