27 August 2019

Dollar Tree Haul: August 27, 2019

The Background

Over the course of viewing tons of YouTube videos and reading DIY craft blogs over the past couple years, and all around idea steali--, er borrowing, I've realized just how valuable the Dollar Tree store really is. Don't get me wrong- I can't get all my crafting supplies at DT. Obviously 12x12 decorative papers and cardstocks aren't exactly high on the demand list there. And let's face some facts: You get what you pay for at Dollar Tree. Cheap in price does actually sometimes mean cheap in quality too.

But let's face another fact. Dollar and bargain stores often have items you won't find anywhere else. My son wanted a lanyard for his school ID. He also told me he needed a red pen for Spanish class and I was plum fresh out. So to the Dollar Tree we go!

The Problem With Journal Supplies... Uber Frustrated!

The Background

So I've mentioned recently that I've been papercrafting and working on my BuJo (Bullet Journaling) a lot. I am having so much fun creating dashboards and covers and inserts. But I've run into a bit of a problem. Well for me at least. I'm not finding the diversity in paper and embellishment designs that I'm looking for anywhere because crafters, craft stores, and journal makers cater to girls and women.

So what exactly is the problem, Your Royal Pinkness? Aren't you a girl?

17 August 2019

Bubby's Dinner Experiment: YUM!

So my son is a burgeoning chef and I couldn't be happier about that. The other day he experimented again and the results were absofreakinglutely amazeballs.

Paper Crafting and Blogging, BuJos and TNs

So I've been a little quiet lately. Not that I have any loyal readers yet, but that's fine. I've been blogging a little every couple of days, but haven't quite yet hit the publish button on it. Mostly because I'm working on a review of a franchise and I want to make sure to say what I really mean and may have to break it up into smaller portions, but I'm building it all at once.

There's some links at the bottom of the post that share some of my greatest organizational inspirations. Don't hesitate to check them out. They've been sooooo helpful!