22 November 2020

CAWPILE: Additional Adventures and Shattered Screens

My Stats Sheet Vs. G's Stats Sheet

November 15, 2020

So I was a bad girl. I got through G's explanation of how she used her rating system, downloaded the file and went to town. I didn't bother to finish watching the video where she explains how to use the Google Drive file.

Meaning, that when I downloaded it to use in Excel, I broke it. I broke the stats sheet. Bad girl.

This is why the sheet wasn't populating like others said it did, let alone how G intended it to work. Ooops! My bad. 

08 November 2020

Reading Challenges, 2021 Reading Plans, An Updated CAWPILE Sheet

 As I've shared before, I have never completed a Goodreads reading challenge. Granted, this is only my 3rd year participating, but after the summer I spent as a teen reading 50 books every two weeks... I kept thinking I could do better. I forgot about adulting.

In 2018, I read 57 of the 100 I wanted to, and the only reason I got to 47 of the 50 I pledged in 2019 was because of audiobooks and LeVar Burton reading me short stories on his podcast... I made a pledge in 2020 using logic. I determined that I could probably read about 5 books a month, totaling 60 for the year. That was more than last year, but breaking it down by the month, like a monthly goal, it didn't seem so daunting.