13 August 2008

This is Why I love Creative

The company, Creative, who has been making my computer sound cards for years (if a computer I pick up doesn't have a Creative sound card, it gets one and the other one gets tossed.) has come out with their next generation of MP3 player...

And damn, it's a beaut.

Here's why I love Creative products. They last. They have quality. And if something goes wrong right the fuck away? They, they take care of you.

I learned this a long long time ago, before I left "home" in fact. That's neither here nor there. I know what I want Santa to bring me for Christmas/Yule!

I have a 1GB mp3 player/portable radio/personal music player. It's great. Until vacation this year, I never realized I could actually fill it. Of course... The battery dies before I get through all 1 gig, but heh, sometimes you are in the mood for a certain kind of music. Other times you want something else...

Finally having 1 gig of music that I like listening to on a regular basis, I have found the need for more.

I have a Creative Zen. I bought it when I was a hotel housekeeper. I needed something in my ears rather than changing stations on the alarm clocks and trying to remember to turn them off again before I left. Screw that. In my ears baby. The Zen was perfect. Came with an armband, perfect for jogging, biking, whatever...

The NEW Zen X-Fi... now this baby is the suweetest lookin' thing. I want one. And ya'll know I've never been one to want the next greatest thing. Hell, I only upgraded to Windows XP 1 year ago! HA!

The Creative Zen X-Fi. People! Seriously. This thing would give me a hard-on if I were a dude.

Creative Zen X-Fi Product Page (*New Window Link)

Check ya later!

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